Don’t Neglect Your Metal! What to Do With Your Tungsten Carbide Scrap Material
Don’t Neglect Your Metal! What to Do With Your Tungsten Carbide Scrap Material

Don’t Neglect Your Metal! What to Do With Your Tungsten Carbide Scrap Material

Aug 02, 2017

Depending on the industry you’re working in, you might come in contact with large amounts of scrap metal. The worst thing you can do with that scrap is to ignore it and leave it to be neglected and wasted for years. Especially if it’s an in demand material like tungsten, it’s important to know that you can sell that metal and to be used in something much more practical and productive — and you can even earn some extra cash by doing so.

Tungsten carbide inserts scrap material can be recycled and sold for cash. Selling your used tungsten to a reputable organization that has a large list of suppliers is the best way to go. By working with these experienced tungsten buyers, you’ll be able to get a fair price for your tungsten carbide inserts scrap material. There are plenty of companies out there that attempt to take advantage of tungsten suppliers, which is why it’s essential to work with a company that will purchase tungsten scrap at a competitive and fair price.

Though tungsten appears naturally only when combined in four major mineral forms alongside calcium, manganese, or iron, you can still sell or recycle any form of tungsten scrap to credible buyers.

Once the tungsten company you’re working with is in possession of your used tungsten scrap, it is then either shipped out to be used elsewhere or manipulated in-house to be later used in another industry to assist third-party companies. Here are a few types of businesses and organizations that regularly work with tungsten suppliers that will eventually use the recyclable tungsten carbide materials that you once possessed.

  • Machine Tool Shops — These shops are always in need of tungsten material because of its durability. Tungsten is regularly manufactured into strong tools for all kinds of machine work.
  • Automotive Industries — Auto manufacturers also rely on tungsten for tools.
  • Defense and Military Sector — Tungsten can also be used to help build advanced devices and weaponry for the military to take advantage of. A barrel of tungsten sludge might not seem to valuable to one person, but could significantly help the military once recycled.

If you ever come across a large quantity of tungsten carbide inserts scrap material of any kind, don’t just neglect it. There are many important industries that rely on this strong metal. Get in touch with a legitimate tungsten purchaser and earn some extra cash while helping out other industries. If you want to learn more about tungsten carbide or speak with a credible buyer, contact Tungco today.

Don’t Neglect Your Metal! What to Do With Your Tungsten Carbide Scrap Material